Split: Patricia’s Sandwich


I recently watched Split and I have to admit that I cannot stop thinking about it. This film is one that stays with you long after you watch it; the dialogue is so heavy with clues and nuances it can really keep you busy figuring it all out. I have had theories and questions for days, and that is why I absolutely love Shyamalan movies!

The 2016 psychological thriller deals with the kidnapping of three girls by a man, Kevin, who has 23 personalities. Three of Kevin’s personalities (Dennis, Hedwig, and Patricia) commit the abduction; they kidnap the girls in an effort to prepare for the emergence of a 24th, violent, and savage personality that they refer to as “The Beast”.  One of the girls, Casey, attempts to manipulate the personalities in order to free herself and her friends before “The Beast” is able to emerge. The film has a terrific sense of suspense and of course, the signature “ah -ha” moment at the end.


The only food in the film is a sandwich that Patricia presents to the captive girls. The sandwich is significant because it’s purpose in the film, like so many other things, is to unsettle the viewer. In the scene, Patricia brings the girls sandwiches and then proceeds to act almost maternal by brushing the girls hair, putting flowers behind their ears and encouraging them to eat.The viewer knows that her real intentions are ominous, so it’s very unsettling to see her acting so comforting.

Watch the full scene here.

She adds that the sandwiches are so tasty because she added her own touch, “paprika”. This would indicate that she prepared them with special regard to the girls eating them; such a strange thing to do when you know they are about to be the victims of a monster. It makes her character come across as even more depraved, but it’s confusing at the same time because the depravity is stemming from the idea of being caring/kindness. This type of situation would make any viewer feel anxious!

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The scene then goes a step further when Patricia brings the girls to the kitchen, puts on music and starts up a casual conversation. She is going to great lengths to demonstrate her sense of civility. She even mentions a “proper meal”, she is going to great lengths to hide the fact that she is horrible. The viewer is getting this sense of domesticity from her which makes the fact that she is doing it all to help “The Beast” that much more unsettling.

The sandwich Patricia serves is nothing especially spectacular or complicated. When you get down to it, Kevin is still a disabled person, living on his own, in a restrictive environment, (he lives in an underground apartment at the Philadelphia Zoo). There is definitely a budget at play here. The bread is simple, I used a basic white bread like what is shown in the film. For fillings, I decided on ham and cheese because they are both readily available, affordable, and go well with mayo. I used a basic mayo with a dash of paprika. The paprika is an attempt to classy up an otherwise basic sandwich.


Overall, the symbolism of the sandwich far outweighs the actual sandwich. I will admit that it does serve as a great plot device in Split and the paprika that Patricia puts in it definitely gives it a special touch. I recommend watching this film and making this sandwich.


Patricia’s Sandwich

2 slices white Bread

2-3 slices of ham

2-3 slices of cheddar cheese

mayo as desired

dash of paprika

  1. Assemble and enjoy.




This entry was posted in Film.

One comment

  1. patricia's biggest fan says:

    thank you sooooooo much for this recipe!! i really enjoyed watching patricia make this in the movie, so I had to try for myself!!

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